NaaS Accelerators

Accelerating industry transformation toward Network-as-a-Service offerings through practical collaboration.

A Hallmark of Industry Innovation through Collaboration

The NaaS Accelerator program plants the seeds of the new, collaborative work within MEF that is defining a new era of Network-as-a-Service, as well as validating the real-world use cases behind MEF standards and the broader industry.

Within the program, MEF member service providers and technology suppliers collaborate to develop and demonstrate NaaS use cases that validate, evolve, and inspire the work of MEF in the areas of LSO APIs, LSO Payloads, and LSO Blockchain.

NaaS Accelerators offer groundbreaking demonstrations of the emerging services and technologies connecting the automated ecosystem—including SASE, SD-WAN, Zero Trust, business and operational service automation with LSO APIs, DLT/Blockchain, AI/ML, security, intent-based networking, IP, Carrier Ethernet, Optical Transport and satellite services, 5G, network slicing, IoT, multi-edge cloud, service assurance, and more—the leading-edge topics that are fueling our industry’s vision, embodied in MEF’s membership.

NaaS Accelerator Program Members

Amartus  AT&T  Deutsche Telekom  Idea Helix Inc.  NTT Communications  Orange  Orchest  PCCW Global  Sage Management Inc.  Salesforce  Tata Communications  Telstra  Verison  Versa Networks  Vodafone UK

NaaS Accelerator Topic Areas

B2B Lifecycle Automation

Use of LSO Business and LSO Operational APIs and associated MEF standards, tools, and programs.

Cloud and Network Services

Introduction of new products and services used in the LSO business and operational automation framework.

DAOs and Blockchain

Creation and evolution of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations based on MEF standards, smart contracts, zero knowledge proofs, and decentralized identity services.

Explore our NaaS Accelerators

Wolf Town

SLA Report Automation

Service providers automating the generation of accurate and trusted SLA credit reports using smart contracts.

View Wolf Town >
Hot Mongoose

Building the Edge Interconnect Fabric

Enabling the automated buying and selling of edge computing/IaaS to facilitate the growth of multi-provider telco edge and the expansion of available footprint to enterprise customers from a single supplier.

View Hot Mongoose >
Flat Hammer

A New Breed of Enterprise Cloud Network Automation

Addressing the paradigm shift from traditional enterprise networking to fully distributed cloud networks that span multiple provider networks.

View Flat Hammer >
Stone Panther

Next Generation Billing for On-Demand Services

Minimizing disputes and maximizing cash flow by using blockchain and smart contract technologies.

View Stone Panther >

Frequently Asked Questions about NaaS Accelerators

A MEF program for MEF members that provides a framework for companies to collaborate in one or more NaaS Accelerators.

A team of three or more member companies in NaaS Accelerator program that collaborate to innovate and demonstrate in one or more areas related to NaaS.

10000 USD per year on a subscription basis. 


The company must be a current member of the NaaS Accelerator Program.

Once per year either on a month of the MEF member’s choice or together with the MEF member’s membership renewal invoice. 


NaaS Accelerator Program Milestones

NaaS Accelerators evolve according to quarterly milestones set by project participants and are highlighted in the public domain at NaaS Accelerator Live events.

NaaS Accelerator Live @ GNE, MEF’s next Global NaaS Event: 28–30 Oct 2024

More Info & Register for GNE

Be In the Industry

Innovate within MEF

Participating in a NaaS Accelerator creates the opportunity for practical collaboration with fellow members and community participants, through compelling industry use cases, based on the latest MEF member innovations. Apply to participate in, or initiate, a NaaS Accelerator on the MEF Member Wiki.

All employees of active MEF-member companies are authorized to access MEF Members’ Wiki. Don’t have a login? Register. Not a member? Join MEF. Not sure? Contact Us.

Go to the Member Wiki
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