MEF Certification

Industry-led, industry-trusted certifications for services, technologies, LSO APIs, and professionals.

Accelerating Industry Adoption with MEF Certification

MEF provides certifications for services, technologies, and LSO APIs as well as certifications for professionals. Together, these certifications fully deliver on the promise of MEF’s mission to empower enterprise digital transformation through a global federation of network, cloud, and technology providers.

MEF Certifications

MEF Certification Triad

for MEF Member Organization

MEF 3.0 certifications for services, technologies, and LSO APIs are company-level certifications. These certifications ensure that the certified company has demonstrated that their solutions conform to rigorous specifications established by the industry’s defining authority. MEF 3.0 certifications offer a method for industry organizations to confirm compliance with industry-led MEF 3.0 standards for services, and the technologies and APIs used to enable those services, thereby accelerating their product development, sales cycles, and service implementations.

for ICT Professional

MEF professional certifications are individual-level certifications. Clearly, it is people who ultimately put the services and technology into place; therefore, they need that same level of understanding and validation of knowledge for maximum business velocity. MEF 3.0 professional certification programs provide this proof-point for the engineers, architects, and product managers to demonstrate their expertise in MEF 3.0 service standards. These certifications validate that the individual has demonstrated the requisite knowledge level associated with the specific certifications offered which cover both MEF-defined services and technology as well as general knowledge underpinning MEF service standards and APIs.

MEF Certified 3.0 Logo - Blue

Accelerate Business with Certification

Buying and selling services, technologies, and APIs takes time—especially newer technology, which lacks a lingua franca, or shorthand, for describing and assessing capabilities and requirements. This gap slows down assessments, decisions, implementations, product launches, and service turn-up. Add automation to the mix and it becomes even more critical that all parties share a common language and adhere to standards. Find out more about certification.

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Explore MEF Certifications & Registries

Certify Services

MEF develops certifications for services. Certification testing is provided by our Authorized Certification and Test Partners (ACTPs).

Explore MEF Certifications for Services

Certify Technologies

MEF develops certifications for technologies. Certification testing is provided by our Authorized Certification and Test Partners (ACTPs).

Explore MEF Certifications for Technologies

Test & Certify LSO APIs

MEF develops certifications for LSO APIs. Certification testing is provided by our Authorized Certification and Test Partners (ACTPs).

Explore MEF Testing & Certifications for LSO APIs

Certify Professionals

MEF develops certifications for professionals. Training and certification testing is provided by our Accredited Training Providers.

Explore Professional Certifications

Be In the Business—Demonstrate compliance with industry best practices.

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