
Product Portfolio: LSO Presto

SDK R3 LSO Presto SDK Release 3 — 2019 Jul

Primary Resource for: LSO Presto

Product Portfolio: LSO Presto

LSO Presto SDK is the complete set of deliverables developed by the MEF 3.0 Community in order to: Enable market adoption of LSO Presto APIs in the current release of LSO Presto SDK. Support of development of additional features for the upcoming release of LSO Presto SDK.

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MEF 60 MEF 60 Network Resource Provisioning – Interface Profile Specification — 2018 Jan

Product Portfolio: Carrier Ethernet, LSO Presto

Standard Type: Information and Data Models

Tags: MRM (MEF Resource Models)

This Interface Profile Specification defines the Presto Management Interface for the network control and management domain in support of [MEF 6.2] and [MEF 51] Services and is a specialization of relevant classes from the MEF NRM (Network Resource Model).

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