MEF 21 Abstract Test Suite for UNI Type 2 Part 1 Link OAM

2008 Jul


The Link OAM part of the Abstract Test Suite for UNI Type 2 describes test procedures based on a combination of the requirements for Link OAM described in MEF 20, etc.

Product Portfolio: Carrier Ethernet

Standard Type: Test Requirements & Abstract Test Suites


This document is the first part of the Abstract Test Suite for User to Network Interface (UNI) Type 2. It defines test procedures based on a combination of requirements for Link OAM described in the UNI Type 2 Implementation Agreement and in clause 57 of [IEEE 802.3-2005]. The overall Abstract Test Suite for UNI Type 2 will be composed of the following parts: Link OAM, E-LMI, Service OAM, Protection, Enhanced UNI Attributes and L2CP handling. 

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