2016 Aug
This Implementation Agreement formalizes the CoS Name and defines three specific CoS Names called Class of Service Labels (CoS Labels)
In order to provide differentiated levels of service, it is necessary to classify incoming frames to a service level either based on context (e.g., which EVC or OVC) or content (i.e, the contents of a specific field within the frame).
MEF10.3 and MEF26.2 provide attributes for associating each ingress frame with a Class of Service Name (CoS Name) for this purpose. Those specifications also provide attributes for associating each ingress frame with a color.
This Implementation Agreement formalizes the CoS Name and defines three specific CoS Names called Class of Service Labels (CoS Labels).
For frames associated with a CoS Label, this IA provides:
This IA also provides guidelines for CoS Names, in general, in terms of how the performance objectives for OVCs are composed into performance objectives for EVCs.
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