MEF 90.2 Draft Release 3 SD-WAN Certification Test Cases and Requirements – Phase 2

2024 May

Primary Resource for: SD-WAN Certification

Product Portfolio: SD-WAN Certification

Standard Type: Test Requirements & Abstract Test Suites

Tags: Certification, SD-WAN


This document defines the Test Cases and requirements for SD-WAN certification.

The certification includes a test methodology that is not limited to just the Service Attributes that are defined in MEF 70.1 SD-WAN Service Attributes and Service Framework but also describes test cases for Routing and Access Control, UCS Impairment, SWVC Performance, and SWVC Stability and Reliability. Included in certification are both conformance with MEF 70.1 and ratings on the test cases defined. This certification aims to inform enterprise customers which SD-WAN Service Providers and SD-WAN Edge Vendor solution Vendors are the most highly rated.

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