LSO Presto

Intra-domain network orchestration and automation.


As part of the LSO Reference Architecture, LSO Presto APIs enable service providers to orchestrate both SDN/NFV technologies and legacy infrastructure, interfacing with SDN controllers and NFV orchestrators, as well as legacy infrastructure control management (e.g. element management systems).

LSO Presto APIs are already defined for Carrier Ethernet and Optical Transport subscriber service resource management, covering functions specific to each, such as resource configuration, provisioning, path computation, and performance monitoring.

See MEF’s Technical Standards & Educational Materials for LSO Presto

MEF Dots Pattern

LSO Presto Interface Reference Point

LSO Presto is the Interface Reference Point between the service orchestration functionality and infrastructure control and management (e.g. a domain controller) within a service provider’s domain.

Intra-Domain Network Orchestration Interface

Intra-Domain Network Orchestration Interface

LSO Presto API Advantages

By using a standard set of APIs for communication between service orchestration functions and the domain controllers within a provider domain, the provider is able to deliver enhanced service agility and dynamic functions, while realizing operational efficiencies.

Technology providers who supply either service orchestrators or domain controllers are able to focus product development on value-added functionality as opposed to ensuring integration with multiple proprietary products within the ecosystem. This ability reduces development costs, as well as accelerating the evolution of high-value functions that providers can leverage to ultimately enhance the enterprise customer experience.

Given the significant number of in-house solutions developed within providers, having a common standard proves more valuable as the number of potential integrations spans both commercial product integration as well as each provider’s in-house integration needs. The resulting gains for service providers have led to significant work within MEF on the LSO Presto APIs.

Vendor-specific APIs vs Standard LSO Presto APIs

Common, industry-standard APIs remove the costs born by multiple proprietary vendor APIs, incurred by both service providers and the technology providers themselves.

Multiple APIs diagram
Single API diagram

Learn More about LSO Presto:

Technical Standards & SDKs:

LSO Framework Release ‘Haley’ — 2024 Jun

Product Portfolio: LSO Cantata, LSO Allegro, LSO Sonata, LSO Legato, LSO Presto, LSO Interlude

This release advances the Business Requirements and API for Product Offering Availability and Pricing Discovery.

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LSO Framework Release ‘Grace’ — 2023 Dec

Product Portfolio: LSO Cantata, LSO Allegro, LSO Sonata, LSO Legato, LSO Presto, LSO Interlude

This release advances the Business Requirements and APIs for Product Catalog, Product Offering Availability and Pricing Discovery, Performance Monitoring and Streaming Management.

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LSO Framework Release ‘Fergie’ — 2023 Jun

Product Portfolio: LSO Cantata, LSO Allegro, LSO Sonata, LSO Legato, LSO Presto, LSO Interlude

The theme of this release is the complete Business APIs Suite (by adding Product Catalog and Product Offering Availability and Pricing Discovery APIs). It also enriches the Operational API Suite by adding Performance Monitoring and Passive Statistics and Streaming Management.

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LSO Framework Release ‘Ella’ — 2023 Jan

Product Portfolio: LSO Cantata, LSO Sonata, LSO Legato, LSO Presto

The theme of this release is the Introduction of LSO Operational APIs and it also introduces the Billing API. Three APIs and Developer Guides: Product Order Management, Trouble Ticketing, and LSO API Security Profile are now finalized standards, and six additional are in Letter Ballot.

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LSO Framework Release ‘Dolly’ — 2022 Jun

Product Portfolio: LSO Cantata, LSO Sonata, LSO Legato, LSO Presto

The theme of this release is Internet Access and adds APIs for Appointment and Work Order. 5 APIs and Developer Guides: Address, Site, POQ, Quote, and Inventory are now finalized standards.

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LSO Framework Release ‘Celine’ — 2022 Jan

Product Portfolio: LSO Sonata, LSO Legato, LSO Presto

The theme of this release is Ordering and Inventory: it delivers full coverage of Business Requirements, API and API Developer Guides for Ordering and Inventory API functions. NOTE: Some parts of the release are for MEF Members only.

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MEF 120 Lean NFV Overview and Framework — 2022 May

Product Portfolio: LSO Presto, LSO Adagio

Lean NFV represents an approach to implementing Network Functions Virtualization in the context of MEF LSO.

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I want to investigate further. See all LSO Presto resources:

What Can I Achieve with MEF LSO Presto APIs?

First and foremost, MEF LSO Presto APIs enable the dynamic management required to deliver the necessary agility that enterprise customers require from their digital services. Furthermore, standard APIs allow providers to avoid the cost of having to implement technology suppliers’ proprietary APIs. Savings in implementation time, costs, and testing lead to faster service provisioning, time to market, and time to revenue.

Technology providers or vendors are able to lower their product management costs, focus on product innovation, and enable a gateway into the market for any service provider’s service orchestration functionality, be it commercial or in-house developed.

MEF LSO Presto API advantages:

  • Reduced API development cost for service providers.
  • Lower implementation costs for service providers.
  • Faster service provisioning.
  • Accelerated time to revenue.
  • Enhanced market accessibility for technology providers.

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