MEF 3.0 Underlay Connectivity Service standards provide technology-agnostic service capabilities for service providers to connect subscribers, e.g. an enterprise and its office locations.
Explore the latest standards defining MEF 3.0 IP services, including VPNs, cloud access, and Internet access. For ISPs or providers of managed services, these standards offer the first step in intra-domain automation for service providers.
Explore MEF 3.0 IPExplore the heavily adopted, global standards defining both subscriber and operator Ethernet services, covering various point-to-point and multipoint architectures. MEF 3.0 Carrier Ethernet is considered the ‘gold standard’ for layer-2-based underlay connectivity services.
Explore MEF 3.0 Carrier EthernetExplore the standards defining layer 1 point-to-point services including both Subscriber-based and Operator-based services. These standards provide subscribers with consistent offerings for comparison along with improved service delivery times through automated service ordering and configuration processes.
Explore MEF 3.0 Optical Transport